
Mastitis Treatment & Control



Mastitis is one of the most costly diseases to our dairy farmers. When mastitis starts costing you money you need quick effective action to get the problem under control.

We offer a “Grade Busting” service at EVT. If you have milk down-graded at the factory because of mastitis our vet team will treat this as an emergency. We will come out at the next available milking and find the offending cows, remove them from the supply herd, set up an action plan to treat or manage these cows and set about investigating the root cause of the problem. We have specially trained vets with a particular interest in mastitis diagnosis and control who can help you manage this costly problem and keep you on track through the ongoing action plans.

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    Energy Vets Taranaki Ltd

    Energy Vets Taranaki: We're here to help your pet stay happy and healthy.